Saturday, March 28, 2009


OKAY...I know I shouldn't be complaining about this, but I'm losing WAY too much weight! Is a women ever satisfied? The answer is NO! I was complaining when I was a little chubby and now I'm too skinny and everything in my closet is in between! So of course, I have NOT A THING TO WEAR. So, off to the shopping mall I go. Boo Hoo!

My secret behind shedding the pounds is breastfeeding an eight-month-old and running around after a toddler while holding my 17.9 lb. baby in my arms. And I must not forget to mention, my new athletic agility! Hopping over safety gated doorways while holding 2 kids! It's a damn surprise I still have some meat on my bones!

I'm amazed that I'm able to pull out the double-tandem-fucking-stroller out the back of my car without cracking in half! BRING ON THE ICE CREAM, DOUGHNUTS AND CHEESE PLEASE, BABY LOST HER BACK!